
5 Signs Your Website is a Zombie

We're on a mission to save the digital world from a zombie website apocalypse.

Karen Carlson

Nothing scares us more at LRS Web Solutions than an outdated website.

As a busy business professional, you may not be aware that your business website is actually a zombie – a set of walking-dead pages that may seem to you as healthy and vibrant as the day they were born.

Here are five signs that your website is a monster:

1. Your Website Design is as Fresh as the Rotting Flesh of the Undead.

What does an outdated design look like? If your site still uses Flash player, clipart, or frames, your website is decaying like a corpse. The average life of a website design is less than 3 years, according to Orbit Media. Today’s web designs are all about making sites mobile-friendly, with large photos and type, clean, grid layouts, and engaging illustrations.

2. The Website is as Friendly to Mobile Devices as Zombies are to Machetes.

While desktop isn’t dead, mobile devices are everywhere, casting a spell over people, especially in public places. According to, more than 50% of global web traffic originated from a mobile device. If your site doesn’t translate well on a smartphone or a tablet, it may scare your customers away.

3. Your Site is Slower than Authorities Responding to a Zombie Attack.

We’ve all been frustrated waiting for websites to fully load. A report from Kissmetrics showed that 40 percent of visitors won’t wait more than 3 seconds for a site to load. If you don't want your website to be as deserted as a graveyard on Halloween, check your site speed.

4. The Content was Last Updated When “The Walking Dead The World Beyond” Premiered.

Your customers visit your pages expecting valuable information that answers their questions. Dynamic design, beautiful photography, engaging videos, and shareable infographics will keep visitors hanging around your site and wanting more. (And for those who don’t watch "The Walking Dead The World Beyond premiered in 2020.)

5. Trying to Use Your Content Management System Turns Is Like Trying to Escape a Haunted House

Updating your website needs to be on your daily or weekly to-do list. But if you need a coding degree to use the software, you’ll be more likely to want to kiss a corpse than manage content. Upgrade to an easy-to-use content management system with features to make website updates a much less frightening task.

If you recognized any of these symptoms, your website likely lumbers among the throngs of the living dead. The creative development team LRS Web Solutions specializes in rescuing sleepwalker websites.

From app development to search engine optimization (SEO) to web hosting and creative services, our team is on a mission to save the digital world from a zombie website apocalypse.

If your website needs to be resurrected, contact the zombie-busters at LRS Web Solutions


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